Things to consider before you reroof - should you reroof before you sell?

Reroofing is an expensive home improvement project and the results are not always as visual as lets say a new kitchen or bathroom.  But having a functional non leaking roof is important.  When a buyer is looking at your home - they generally expect that the roof is leak free.  But is there a good return on investment to install a new roof just before a sale?

The answer is not an easy yes or no – many times it depends on the circumstances.

If you are considering reroofing - here are some things to consider:

  • Type of roof to install.  With California fire danger - many jurisdictions do not allow wood roofs.  I would not install a wood roof - even if it would be very ascetically pleasing.  A wood roof can cause challenges or extra costs with homeowners insurance, solar panel installations, and more. You have many choices in roof type:
    1. Composition
    2. Steel
    3. Wood
    4. Composite
    5. Tesla Solar roof
    6. Slate
    7. Stone coated steel
    8. Clay or concrete
    9. Built up
    10. Roof garden

Each roof type has advantages and disadvantages – that is a discussion for another article.

  • Timing – the obvious one here – is not during rain. But other considerations – is there a baby sleeping during the day – maybe delay the roof until nap times will not be disturbed – or take a trip while the roof is installed.  It is noisy

What are the basic steps in a reroof?

  • Find a good contractor to do the work
  • Obtain a permit
  • Tear off the old roof
  • Install new roof sheathing if needed (ie you had skip sheathing under a wood roof)
  • Install roofing felt
  • Install new vents and flashings
  • Install gutters and downspouts
  • Install new roof and ridge vent
  • Final inspection by city or county

If you are thinking of selling I can help you identify the best repairs to do on your home – call me today for a free consultation.



Whether you are a first-time buyer or an experienced investor, David Bergman is the best person to have on your side.

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